Startseite Geschichte

Prof., doktor istorychnych nauk (NAN Ukrajiny) Gelinada Grinchenko

Gastwissenschaftlerin in der Neueren und Neuesten Geschichte


Main areas of interest: oral history, the history and memory of WWII, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Memory Studies.


Ongoing project:

To live under the occupation: Ukraine under Nazi rule from an oral history perspective


Completed projects:

Project Partner of: “Useless People”: The Extermination of Psychiatric Patients during the Nazi Occupation of Ukraine (in cooperation with Ruhr University of Bochum).

Project Partner of: Societies under German Occupation – Experiences and Everyday Life in World War II (

Project Leader of: Holodomor as Oral History: objective reality and subjective narratives

MC Member of: Individuals, Societies, Cultures and Health (ISCH) European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action IS1203: In Search for Transcultural Memory in Europe (ISTME).

Project Partner of: EU’s 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development: EUBORDERSCAPES: Bordering, Political Landscapes and Social Arenas: Potentials and Challenges of Evolving Border Concepts in a post-Cold War World.

Expert in: Memory and Oblivion: Sociocultural Post-war Change of Hausdorf/Jugów in the Owl Mountains, supported by Geschichtswerkstatt Europa (program of the “Remembrance, Responsibility and Future” Foundation, Germany, 2010–2011).

Member of: Oral History of Decollectivization in Ukraine in the 1990s: Rural Perspectives and Experiences, realized under the auspices of the Prairie Centre for the Ukrainian Heritage and with financial support from St. Thomas More College, University of Saskatchewan (Canada, 2007–2009).

Leader of East-Ukrainian group in: Documentation of Life Story Interviews with Former Slave and Forced Laborers, initiated by the “Remembrance, Responsibility and Future” Foundation, coordinated by the Institute of History and Biography of Hagen University (Germany, 2005–2006).

Leader of East-Ukrainian group in: Names instead of Numbers: Remembrance Book for the Prisoners of the Dachau Concentration Camp, initiated by the charitable organization Dachau-Forum (Germany, 2005–2007).