Sekretariat für Frühe Neuzeit und Geschichte und ihre Didaktik geschlossen | 24.3.-7.4.
Sekretariat für Frühe Neuzeit und Geschichte und ihre Didaktik geschlossen | 24.3.-7.4.
Gastwissenschaftlerin in der Neueren und Neuesten Geschichte
Books (Authored)
Usna istoriia prymusu do pratsi: metod, konteksty, teksty [Oral History of Forced Labor: Method, Contexts, Texts; in Ukrainian] (Kharkiv: NTMT, 2012), 304 pp.
Mizh vyzvolenniam і vyznanniam: prymusova pratsia v natsysts′kii Nimechchyni v politychnii pam’iati SRSR і FRN chasiv “kholodonoї viiny” [Between Liberation and Recognition: Forced Labor in Nazi German in the Political Memory of the USSR and the FRG during the Period of the “Cold War”; in Ukrainian] (Kharkiv: NTMT, 2010), 336 pp.
Books (Edited)
Listening, Hearing, Understanding: an Oral History of Ukraine in Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries [in Ukrainian], ed. by Gelinada Grinchenko (ART-KNYHA, Kyiv, 2021), 352 pp.
Traitors, Collaborators, and Deserters in Contemporary European Politics of Memory: Formulas of Betrayal, ed. by G. Grinchenko and E. Narvselius (Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies, 2018), 422 pp.
Reclaiming the Personal: Oral History in Post-Socialist Europe, ed. by N. Khanenko-Friesen and G. Grinchenko (University of Toronto Press, Scholarly Publishing Division, 2015), 344 pp.
Zhinky tsentral'noyi ta skhidnoyi Ievropy u Druhiy svitoviy viyni: henderna spetsyfika dosvidu v chasy ekstremal'noho nasyl'stva: Zb[irnyk] nauk[ovykh] st[atei] [Central and East European Women and the Second World War: Gendered Experience in a Time of Extreme Violence; in Ukrainian], ed. Gelinada Grinchenko, Kateryna Kobchenko, Oksana Kis (Kyiv: ART-KNYHA, 2015), 335 pp.
U poshukakh vlasnoho holosu: Usna istoriia iak teoriia, metod ta dzherelo; Zb[irnyk] nauk[ovykh] st[atei] [In Search of Voice: Oral History as Theory, Method, and Source; Collection of Scholarly Articles; in Ukrainian], ed. G. Grinchenko and N. Khanenko-Friesen (Kharkiv: PP TORHSIN PLIUS, 2010), 248 pp.
“Proshu vas mene ne zabuvaty ”: usni istoriї ukraїns′kykh ostarbaiteriv [“I Ask You Not to Forget Me”: Oral Histories of Ukrainian Ostarbeiters; in Ukrainian], ed. G. Grinchenko (Kharkiv: Pravo, 2009), 208 pp.
Spohady-terni: Pro moie zhyttia nimets′ke…: spohady pro perebuvannia na prymusovykh robotakh u natsysts′kii Nimechchyni [Thorny Memories: About My German Life…: Memoirs of My Forced Labor Experience in Nazi Germany; in Ukrainian], ed. and Introduction by G. G. Grinchenko, comp. I. Ie. Rebrova (Kharkiv: Pravo, 2008), 448 pp.
Nevyhadane: Usni istoriї ostarbaiteriv [Uninvented: Oral Histories of Ostarbeiters; in Ukrainian], ed. and comp. G. G. Grinchenko (Kharkiv: Vydavnychyi Dim “Raider,” 2004), 236 pp.
Journal Articles and Book Chapters (selected from last 10 years):
“Questions, Narratives, Interpretations: Oral History as the Art of Balance and Interaction”, in Listening, Hearing, Understanding: an Oral History of Ukraine in Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries [in Ukrainian], ed. by Gelinada Grinchenko (ART-KNYHA, Kyiv, 2021), 15–30.
[co-authored with Olena Petrenko,] “Useless people, concealed crime: Sources and research on the mass killings of patients in psychiatric hospitals and homes for sick children and for the disabled in Nazi-occupied Ukraine”, in Ukraina Moderna, special issue 28 (2020): 19–29.
[co-authored with Oksana Mikheieva,] “From contact zone to battlefield: (un)real borders of the (un)declared war in Eastern Ukraine, 2014-2016,” in Post-Cold War Borders: Refraiming Political Space in the EU’s Eastern Europe, ed. by Laine J.P., Liikanen I., and Scott J. W. (Routledge, London, 2018), 168–187.
[co-authored with Eleonora Narvselius,] “Silken Braids Under the German Boot: Creating Images of Female Soviet Ostarbeiters as Betrayers and Betrayed,” in Traitors, Collaborators, and Deserters in Contemporary European Politics of Memory: Formulas of Betrayal, ed. by G. Grinchenko and E. Narvselius (Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies, 2018), 311–336.
“Ostarbeiters of the Third Reich in Ukrainian and European Public Discourses: Restitution, Recognition, Commemoration,” in War and Memory in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, ed. by Julie Fedor, Markku Kangaspuro, Jussi Lassila, Tatiana Zhurzhenko (Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies, 2017), 281–304.
“Babyn Yar as Oral History,“ in Babyn Yar: History and Memory, ed. by Vladyslav Hrynevych and Paul Robert Magocsi (DUKH I LITERA, 2016), 163–188.
“Forced Labour in Nazi Germany in the Interviews of Former Child Ostarbeiters,“ in Reclaiming the Personal: Oral History in Post-Socialist Europe, ed. N. Khanenko-Friesen and G. Grinchenko (University of Toronto Press, Scholarly Publishing Division, 2015), 176–204.
“‘And now imagine her or him as a slave, a pitiful slave with no rights’: child forced labourers in the culture of remembrance of the USSR and post-Soviet Ukraine,” European Review of History: Revue européenne d'histoire, vol. 22, issue 2 (2015): 389–410.