Wiss. Mitarbeiter Neuere und Neueste Geschichte

Dr. Tara Windsor

Wiss. Mitarbeiter für Neuere und Neueste Geschichte



»Between Cultural Conflict and Cultural Contact: German Writers, Cultural Diplomacy in the Aftermath of the First World War« in: Nicholas Martin, Pierre Purseigle, Tim Haughton (eds.), Aftermath – Legacies and Memories of War in Europe, 1918–1945–1989 (Aldershot: Ashgate, im Erscheinen 2013).


»Rekindling Contact: Anglo-German Academic Exchange after the First World War« in: Heather Ellis, Ulrike Kirchberger (eds.), Anglo-German Scholarly Relations in the Long Nineteenth Century (im Erscheinen 2013).


»Britain and the Weimar Republic: The History of a Cultural Relationship (Colin Storer, 2010)«, in: Reviews in History (review no. 1097: http://www.history.ac.uk/reviews/review/1097).