Sekretariat für Frühe Neuzeit und Geschichte und ihre Didaktik geschlossen | 24.3.-7.4.
Sekretariat für Frühe Neuzeit und Geschichte und ihre Didaktik geschlossen | 24.3.-7.4.
The aim of the planned dissertation project is to study the transmission, dissemination and reception of Frankish minor annals, of which the Annales Laureshamenses-Mosellani will serve as a test case and will be edited anew for the first time in 130 years. Uniquely, it focuses on the codicological context of the text as well by using a theoretical concept and methodological approach known as “social logic”, allowing the project to shed new light on the meaning of those annals in contemporary history writing and to disentangle networks of communication and the exchange of knowledge. It will highlight the fundamental role minor annals played in the writing of history and show that the Carolingian court was not so much imposing its historiographical perspective on the provinces but that it was rather reactionary, trying to contain the various perspectives from the peripheries of the realm in the eighth and early ninth centuries. The prolific exchange of knowledge as a result of intellectual interaction by means of historiographic texts is the focal point of this project.
2022 Organiser of the conference Frankish Annals: Texts - Transmission - Editions in Wuppertal (15/16-9-2022)
2021 Co-organiser of the Graduiertenkolleg Tagung (29/30-9-2021)
Organiser of the session “Popes in Hostile Climates: Violence against (Anti-)Popes” at the International Medieval Congress in Leeds (6-7-2021)
2018 Organiser of a session strand “Frankish minor annals” at the International Medieval Congress in Leeds (with Dr. Sören Kaschke) (2-7-2018)