Neue Blockveranstaltung "Grundlagen der Wissenschaftlichen Revolution, ca. 1543 bis 1687"
Neue Blockveranstaltung "Grundlagen der Wissenschaftlichen Revolution, ca. 1543 bis 1687"
2022 B.J. van Hees, ‘Minor annals and Frankish history writing’, The Medieval Chronicle 14 (2022), pp. 92-112 (
B.J. van Hees & S. Kaschke, ‘Preface’, The Medieval Chronicle 14 (2022), pp. 87-91 (
2021 B.J. van Hees, ‘Van prins tot zwart schaap en terug. Koningszoon Pippijn in de Karolingische geschiedschrijving’, Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 134/2 (2021), pp. 216-229 (
2018 B.J. van Hees, ‘Lucky Lucanus. Een twaalfde-eeuws handschriftfragment van Lucanus’ Pharsalia’, in: B. Jaski, M. Mostert & K. van Vliet (eds.), Perkament in stukken: Teruggevonden middeleeuwse handschriftfragmenten (Hilversum, 2018), pp. 236-239
B.J. van Hees & M.A.J. Vermeer, ‘Van proef tot druk: Een fragment als voorstadium van de Nederlandse Fasciculus temporum’, in: B. Jaski, M. Mostert & K. van Vliet (eds.), Perkament in stukken: Teruggevonden middeleeuwse handschriftfragmenten (Hilversum, 2018), pp. 204-211
2017 B.J. van Hees & R.M.J. Meens, ‘Ein Brief ‘über diejenigen, die sich an Tieren vergehen’. Zwei unbeachtete Textzeugen von Hrabanus Maurus, Epistola 41’, Deutsches Archiv für die Erforschung des Mittelalters 73/2 (2017), pp. 687-696
2015 B.J. van Hees, Manuscripts and fragments in the Utrecht University Library, c. 700-1100 vol. 1 (Unpublished catalogue for Special Collections of Utrecht University Library)
2012 B.J. van Hees, ‘Bijgeloof en heidense praktijken binnen het Christendom: een essay over de Indiculus superstitiounm et paganiarum’, in: R. van Royen (ed.), Kerstuitgave JHSG (Amsterdam, 2012), pp. 29-48.
2021 B.J. van Hees, ‘R. Kramer, H. Reimitz en G. Ward (ed.), Historiography and identity III. Carolingian approaches’, Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 134.2 (2021), pp. 325-326 (
15-9-2022 Frankish Annals: An introduction. Paper presented at the international conference Frankish Annals: Texts - Transmission - Editions.
22-10-2021 Pope Leo III and Charlemagne in the annals, 799-801. Paper presented at II Incontro italo-tedesco fra dottorandi e dottori di recerca in Storia Medievale / 2. Mediävistisches Kolloquium Rom-Wuppertal.
6-7-2021 Frankish Annals and the Assassination Attempt on Pope Leo III. Paper presented at the International Medieval Congress in Leeds (Session 818)
25-5-2021 Annals in the Frankish realms. Paper presented in a session of Histories in Transition, led by Priv. Doz. Dr. Diesenberger, Prof. Dr. Reimitz and Prof. Dr. Tischler. (Invited speaker)
12-11-2020 The whole is greater than the sum of its parts: The case of Frankish annals. Paper presented at the workshop “Grenzen in vormodernen Texten” in Heidelberg (Organised by Graduiertenkolleg 2196 “Dokument - Text - Edition” and Sonderforschungsbereichs 933 “Materiale Textkulturen”)
2-10-2020 History writing in the Frankish realms: A look at the annals. Paper presented at the “Zweites Mediävistisches Kolloquium Milano-Wuppertal / Secondo incontro italo- tedesco tra dottorandi di recerca in storia medievale”
2-7-2018 Minor annals in a major historiographical compendium: the case of Rome, BAV, Reg. Lat. 213. Paper presented at the International Medieval Congress in Leeds (Session 248)
3-7-2017 The Annales Laureshamenses: Origin, transmission and reception. Paper presented at the International Medieval Congress in Leeds (Session 338)
21-10-2022 Forging a narrative of triumph. Scribal agency and the art of truth in the Annales Laureshamenses-Mosellani. Paper presented at the conference “Grenzen der Edition” in Heidelberg. (Organised by GRK 2196 Dokument – Text – Edition. Bedingungen und Formen ihrer Transformation und Modellierung in transdisziplinärer Perspektive and SFB 933 Materiale Textkulturen).
19-4-2022 Forging a narrative of triumph. The Annales Laureshamenses-Mosellani. Paper presented at a joint Oberseminar of the RTWH Aachen University and the Bergische Universität Wuppertal.
16-7-2021 Text und Zeit im Fluss. An Impulsvortrag, together with Niklas Fröhlich, for the meetings between GRK 2196 (Wuppertal) and SFB 933 (Heidelberg)
4-6-2021 Editing annals: The case of the Annales-Laureshamenses-Mosellani. Wuppertaler- Bochumer Hochschulmittelalter-Tage (Invited speaker)
27-5-2021 Sicut in annali regum scriptum habemus. A look at history writing in the Frankish realms. Paper presented at the UCMS colloquium. (Invited speaker)
11-1-2021 Annals and history writing in the Frankish realms: A verdict. Paper presented at the Oberseminar of the Universität zu Köln (Invited speaker)
25-11-2020 History writing in the Frankish realms: A look at the annals. Paper presented at a joint Oberseminar of the RTWH Aachen University and the Bergische Universität Wuppertal.
11-11-2016 The Annales Laureshamenses: Origin, transmission and reception. An introduction. Paper presented at the 22nd Mediëvistendag at Utrecht.
6-11-2015 Het Utrechts Psalter. Presented to the Algemene Seniorenvereniging Zeist. (Invited speaker)
25-6-2015 Becoming Abimelech: Pippin the Hunchback in the Annales Laureshamenses. Paper presented at the 2nd UCMS colloquium. (Invited speaker)
27-11-2012 De bestuurlijke schoonmaak van Lodewijk de Vrome anders belicht. Paper presented at the symposium held in celebration for the 85th birthday of J.M. van Winter. (Invited speaker)