Startseite Geschichte

Bart van Hees

Doktorand in der Mittelalterlichen Geschichte


2022 B.J. van Hees, ‘Minor annals and Frankish history writing’, The Medieval Chronicle 14 (2022), pp. 92-112 (


B.J. van Hees & S. Kaschke, ‘Preface’, The Medieval Chronicle 14 (2022), pp. 87-91 (


2021 B.J. van Hees, ‘Van prins tot zwart schaap en terug. Koningszoon Pippijn in de Karolingische geschiedschrijving’, Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 134/2 (2021), pp. 216-229 (


2018 B.J. van Hees, ‘Lucky Lucanus. Een twaalfde-eeuws handschriftfragment van Lucanus’ Pharsalia’, in: B. Jaski, M. Mostert & K. van Vliet (eds.), Perkament in stukken: Teruggevonden middeleeuwse handschriftfragmenten (Hilversum, 2018), pp. 236-239


B.J. van Hees & M.A.J. Vermeer, ‘Van proef tot druk: Een fragment als voorstadium van de Nederlandse Fasciculus temporum’, in: B. Jaski, M. Mostert & K. van Vliet (eds.), Perkament in stukken: Teruggevonden middeleeuwse handschriftfragmenten (Hilversum, 2018), pp. 204-211


2017 B.J. van Hees & R.M.J. Meens, ‘Ein Brief ‘über diejenigen, die sich an Tieren vergehen’. Zwei unbeachtete Textzeugen von Hrabanus Maurus, Epistola 41’, Deutsches Archiv für die Erforschung des Mittelalters 73/2 (2017), pp. 687-696



2015 B.J. van Hees, Manuscripts and fragments in the Utrecht University Library, c. 700-1100 vol. 1 (Unpublished catalogue for Special Collections of Utrecht University Library)


2012 B.J. van Hees, ‘Bijgeloof en heidense praktijken binnen het Christendom: een essay over de Indiculus superstitiounm et paganiarum’, in: R. van Royen (ed.), Kerstuitgave JHSG (Amsterdam, 2012), pp. 29-48.



2021 B.J. van Hees, ‘R. Kramer, H. Reimitz en G. Ward (ed.), Historiography and identity III. Carolingian approaches’, Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 134.2 (2021), pp. 325-326 (


Papers given at international scholarly meetings

15-9-2022 Frankish Annals: An introduction. Paper presented at the international conference Frankish Annals: Texts - Transmission - Editions.


22-10-2021 Pope Leo III and Charlemagne in the annals, 799-801. Paper presented at II Incontro italo-tedesco fra dottorandi e dottori di recerca in Storia Medievale / 2. Mediävistisches Kolloquium Rom-Wuppertal.


6-7-2021 Frankish Annals and the Assassination Attempt on Pope Leo III. Paper presented at the International Medieval Congress in Leeds (Session 818)


25-5-2021 Annals in the Frankish realms. Paper presented in a session of Histories in Transition, led by Priv. Doz. Dr. Diesenberger, Prof. Dr. Reimitz and Prof. Dr. Tischler. (Invited speaker)


12-11-2020 The whole is greater than the sum of its parts: The case of Frankish annals. Paper presented at the workshop “Grenzen in vormodernen Texten” in Heidelberg (Organised by Graduiertenkolleg 2196 “Dokument - Text - Edition” and Sonderforschungsbereichs 933 “Materiale Textkulturen”)


2-10-2020 History writing in the Frankish realms: A look at the annals. Paper presented at the “Zweites Mediävistisches Kolloquium Milano-Wuppertal / Secondo incontro italo- tedesco tra dottorandi di recerca in storia medievale”


2-7-2018 Minor annals in a major historiographical compendium: the case of Rome, BAV, Reg. Lat. 213. Paper presented at the International Medieval Congress in Leeds (Session 248)


3-7-2017 The Annales Laureshamenses: Origin, transmission and reception. Paper presented at the International Medieval Congress in Leeds (Session 338)


Papers given on other conferences

21-10-2022 Forging a narrative of triumph. Scribal agency and the art of truth in the Annales Laureshamenses-Mosellani. Paper presented at the conference “Grenzen der Edition” in Heidelberg. (Organised by GRK 2196 Dokument – Text – Edition. Bedingungen und Formen ihrer Transformation und Modellierung in transdisziplinärer Perspektive and SFB 933 Materiale Textkulturen).


19-4-2022 Forging a narrative of triumph. The Annales Laureshamenses-Mosellani. Paper presented at a joint Oberseminar of the RTWH Aachen University and the Bergische Universität Wuppertal.


16-7-2021 Text und Zeit im Fluss. An Impulsvortrag, together with Niklas Fröhlich, for the meetings between GRK 2196 (Wuppertal) and SFB 933 (Heidelberg)


4-6-2021 Editing annals: The case of the Annales-Laureshamenses-Mosellani. Wuppertaler- Bochumer Hochschulmittelalter-Tage (Invited speaker)


27-5-2021 Sicut in annali regum scriptum habemus. A look at history writing in the Frankish realms. Paper presented at the UCMS colloquium. (Invited speaker)


11-1-2021 Annals and history writing in the Frankish realms: A verdict. Paper presented at the Oberseminar of the Universität zu Köln (Invited speaker)


25-11-2020 History writing in the Frankish realms: A look at the annals. Paper presented at a joint Oberseminar of the RTWH Aachen University and the Bergische Universität Wuppertal.


11-11-2016 The Annales Laureshamenses: Origin, transmission and reception. An introduction. Paper presented at the 22nd Mediëvistendag at Utrecht.


6-11-2015 Het Utrechts Psalter. Presented to the Algemene Seniorenvereniging Zeist. (Invited speaker)


25-6-2015 Becoming Abimelech: Pippin the Hunchback in the Annales Laureshamenses. Paper presented at the 2nd UCMS colloquium. (Invited speaker)


27-11-2012 De bestuurlijke schoonmaak van Lodewijk de Vrome anders belicht. Paper presented at the symposium held in celebration for the 85th birthday of J.M. van Winter. (Invited speaker)