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Juliane Brauer: Song and Music in Concentration Camps and Prisons | Song Studies Seminar


12:00 – 13:30 Uhr

On the morning of 27 January 1945, the Auschwitz-Birkenau camps were liberated. Many countries all over the world have since several years designated 27 Januaryas Holocaust Remembrance Day, to commemorate the murder of millions of European Jews between 1940 and 1945. In honour of the Holocaust Remembrance Day on Friday 27 January 2023, the Song Studies Network is organising a lunch-time seminar about song and music in times of violence and war. We have invited Dr. Anna Papaeti (University of Cyprus); Dr. Elise Petite (University Grenoble Alpes) and Dr. Joseph Toelz (University of Sydney) to present their work on song and music in Nazi concentration camps and Greek military prisons during the dictatorship.The event will take place online, from 12:00 -13:30h (CET). A link will be distributed shortly before the event. All members are invited to join, to discuss,and to remember (more information:).

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